Just a giant blowout party with planned choreography and a bespoke song, you should stop by..
Turn your next girls night out into a unique experience your friends won't soon forget by hosting an F&J Private Party! At no cost to you we open our doors after hours so you and 10+ of your closest friends can shop like VIP's. Hosted evenings from 5:30-7:30, the attending ladies will receive 10% off their purchases the night of the event and the hostess you will receive 10% of what her guests spend back in F&J store credit! (EX: party total = $1,000//$100 for hostess). For more information or to book please contact Lisa at 913-544-1700 or lisa@frankieandjules.com and get ready to PARTY!
Feel like staying in?! No problem! Host an F&J pop up shop in the comfort of your own home! Same details as above but we will bring the newest styles straight to you!